ERS Pen Point Markers are calibrated by direct comparison of standardized solutions traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), in an identical geometry, using a pressurized ion chamber with ±5% accuracy.
Categories | Pen Point Markers |
The Pen Point Marker Source contains Co-57 in a ceramic matrix at the end of a 23.5 mm anodized aluminium rod. The pen-shaped rod screws into a brass cap which shields the active point. The Pen Point Marker Source is used in tracing the outlines of anatomical features on a patient. The trace appears almost instantly on the camera display.
activity is supplied as a nominal value ±15%.
Product Code | Product Type | Isotope | Activity |
PPM6220-100u |
Pen Point Marker |
Co-57 |
3.7 MBq |
PPM6220-1mCi |
Pen Point Marker |
Co-57 |
1 mCi |
PPM6220-200u |
Pen Point Marker |
Co-57 |
7.4 MBq |
PPM6220-250u |
Pen Point Marker |
Co-57 |
9.25 MBq |
PPM6220-500u |
Pen Point Marker |
Co-57 |
18.5 MBq |
PPM6320 |
Pen Point Marker |
Ba-133 |
1 MBq |
PPM6920 |
Pen Point Marker |
Gd-153 |
1 MBq |