45 Prime Dr, Seven Hills, NSW 2147
PO Box 630, Winston Hills, 2153

PET Lamiar Flow Hood

This drawing station made of easy-to -clean stainless steel, features a built-in-well for the dose calibrator, custom-sized shielded wells for waste collection, a fully shielded base and an integral L-Block style shield.

General Info
Brand InMed Healthcare

This drawing station made of easy-to -clean stainless steel, features a built-in-well for the dose calibrator, custom-sized shielded wells for waste collection, a fully shielded base and an integral L-Block style shield.

In addition, the drawing station features a 0.3 micron filter, built-in lighting and a pulley and cable assembly system to raise and lower syringes from the ion chamber.

This device is the perfect solution for those facilities that use large amounts of activity and prepare doses for many studies.