45 Prime Dr, Seven Hills, NSW 2147
PO Box 630, Winston Hills, 2153
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Captus Well Liner

Brand: Capintec
Model: Captus Well Liner

Well liner for the Captus Thyroid Update System.

Wipe Spot Pads

Brand: Capintec
Model: Wipe Spot Pads

Soft, highly absorbent cotton pads.

Cap-DICOM Software Compatibility for the Captus 4000e System

Brand: Capintec
Model: Cap-DICOM

Adds DICOM Modality Worklist (MWL) and DICOM export to the Captus 4000e system.

Absorbed Dose ALERT Software Upgrade for Captus 3000 and 4000e Thyroid Uptake System

Brand: Capintec

After a large scale release of radioactive material, internal contamination due to inhalation is a potential health concern. A critical public health challenge is to provide an initial field screening to rapidly triage and identify individuals with significant amounts of internal contamination. Ca...