Brand: Medilink Model: MedixDR
Medilink's latest innovation in bone densitometry and body composition is the MedixDR Whole Body DEXA system. The MedixDR features state of the art 2D narrow-angle fan beam technology based on a 256 element detector, which provides excellent image quality as well as fast exam times.
InMed Radiation Safety Course and Training Certificate for DEXA & pQCT. This course will cover all necessary radiation safety requirements for dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) operation and licensing.
Brand: Medilink Model: 3D-DXA
3D-DXA is a breakthrough technology that takes routine BMD images and reconstructs a 3D image of the femur. (The method had been validated by comparing the results of the reconstructed images with images taken with a CT scanner). This technology is only available on our Medix range for an optimal 3D analysis.